Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Mobile number (required) Desired Model (Choose all that apply) 30000 Muffin Monster70000 Macho Monster40000 Macho MonsterDon’t know yet Job Name Job Location Filled out by Date Industry type Material Describe Material Material Properties Density MeasuredEstimated Consistency BrittleNon-brittleDon’t know Material Safety HazardousNon-hazardous MSDS Available? YesNo Application Description of Application or Process What is the Material FeedRate? Even FeedingBatch FeedingBoth Solids to be fed by Hand FedConveyor FedOther (Describe) If others please describe Desired Results Purpose of Grinding (choose at least one) Volume ReductionParticle Size Reduction (What is the desired particle size?)Increase Surface Area of MaterialOther (describe) If others please describe What happens to the shredded particles? (choose at least one) Dispose Material (ie, Landfill)IncinerationRecyclingOther Process (describe) If others please describe Grind Test Desired? YesNo (Note:- Note: JWCE will only grind test materials that are not considered hazardous or dangerous) What Should JWCE Do With the Ground Materials? Return them to customerDispose of them Your Message